Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Detoxify Your Body With Panchkarma In Best Naturopathy Center In Maharashtra.

Panchakarma is the most definitive mind-body-spirit healing experience for purifying the whole body, strengthening the immune system, restoring balance, well-being and re-connecting you with your soul. It is one the most effective healing therapy in Ayurveda. It promotes Healing, Purification and Rejuvenation. Panchakarma in Sanskrit means ‘five actions’ or ‘five treatments’, a process in which body remove or purify the toxic materials naturally.

Panchakarma is one legendary branch of Ayurveda. It removes excess doshas, corrects imbalances and eliminates the harmful toxic out of your system through the body’s own organs and pores of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, intestines) Panchakarma purifies the tissues at a very deep level.

Ayurvedic center in pune

Our Naturopathy Center in Maharashtra provides Panchakarma which is highly personalized, based on the needs of an individual depending on constitutional type, age, digestive ability and immune conditions among other factors. Depending on each individual’s need, all or only parts of the five therapies are utilized, and procedures administered in a definite sequence for a specified period of time.
We have highly trained and skillful ayurvedic practitioner. Panchakarma is done individually for each person with their specific constitution and specific disorder thus it requires close observation and supervision.

Our Panchkarma therapies are as follows:

Ø Udvartana

Udvartana is powerful therapy in which it restores your natural radiance magically.Skin releases stagnant lymphatic toxins from the body.

Ø Shirodhara

 In shirodhara, there is use  of warm and methodic pour of herbal oil over the forehead, which helps to synchronize  brain waves ,also coordinate and calm the mind, body ,spirit and increase concentration.

Ø Nasal administrations (Nasya)
In nasya therapy, in which oil and herbs inhale through the nose, which clear the sinuses of excessive mucus. This removes the deep dryness that exists at the root of many respiratory and allergic conditions.

Ø Five Senses Therapy

This therapy is useful for five senses like as Sound,touch, taste, color,smell using certain herbal medicines.

Ø Daily warm oil massage (Abhyanga)

In abhyang , herbal -oil is use for  massage which is deeply penetrate the skin, relax  mind-body and breaks up impurities.

Ø Herbal enemas (Basti)

Herbal enemas (basti) is one of the most important and most powerful aspects of the Panchakarma treatment. It also transports ayurvedic medicines into the blood and tissues in order to transform the memory of damaged and toxic cells.

Ø Garshana


This therapy is powerful for skin problem using either a wool or silk glove for nourishing skin,purify circulation and cleanses the skin so that subsequent oil and herbal treatments can penetrate deeply into freshly clean pores.


These are the therapies includes in panchkarma.Visit our nature care center in Pune to heal your body naturally.our center would be your ideal place for health and wellness.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Naturopathy Center In Pune For Relieving Hypertension & High B.P

High blood Pressure or Hypertension is a disorder of modern age. It is known to be a silent killer. Pressure in the arteries is produced by heart as it pumps blood. A certain level of pressure in the blood is necessary for blood to circulate. However when the pressure becomes too high it results in high blood pressure. Sometimes there are symptoms that blood pressure is elevated such as unexplained headaches, nosebleeds or sweating. However most of the time people are not suggestive. There are many potential root produce for high blood pressure also known as hypertension. Diets high in purified carbohydrates, fats, sugar and salt are a common cause, as well as excess alcohol or caffeine intake. Smoking and obesity are important risk factors, along with slowness and stress.

Hypertension leads to high blood pressure. Due to herbal medicine and day today lifestyle high blood pressure is a common problem for all people. Naturopathy center in pune is the best care center for hypertension.
In addition to dietary changes natural treatment for hypertension typically involves achieving a health weight and levels of regular exercise.  In one study participants involved in an 18 month weight loss involvement program who were followed up after 7 years had a 77% reduction in the incidence of hypertension.

Symptoms of Hypertension: Symptoms of Hypertension include dizziness, pain in arms, pain in shoulder area, back and leg, pain in heart area, fatigue, nervous tension, frequent urination, feeling of tiredness. Patient may feel problem in breathing. If hypertension is not treated, it may cause attack, stroke or other conditions such as objectivity of retina.

Causes of Hypertension: hypertension are fast paced lifestyle and stress. If stress of patients continuous for long periods of time, pressure may get for all time raised. Excessive intake of alcoholic drink, smoking, excessive consumption of tea/coffee, processed foods also disturb simple lifestyle of individuals. Increase blood pressure due to the excessive intake of fat-rich food items. Kidneys also help in controlling high blood pressure.

Apart from diet and lifestyle changes, there are specific natural supplements that can effectively treat serious to moderate hypertension. Lifestyle changes can be corrected very well through BestNaturopathy center in India for hypertension. We generally cure hypertension problems with lifestyle modification measures and herbal treatment. we use massages and mud therapy for removing stress and also recommend dietary changes in order to ensure easier relief from hypertension problems.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Naturopathy Center In Pune Heal Body Without Drugs

Types of Naturopathy Treatments:

The most important types of naturopathy treatments are Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Yoga & Meditation, and Nutritional treatment. Let us discuss them one by one:
1. Ayurveda Naturopathy:
Ayurveda is the soul of the naturopathy. It is having remedies for almost all kinds of diseases. Lifestyle diseases such as frustration, mental illness, lethargic lifestyle etc. are more likely to find a better cure through Ayurveda than traditional methods. In Ayurveda, our body is organized into three major characteristics, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The diseases are then categorized with their relation to these characteristics. Then according to the relation, medicine is prescribed along with a prescription for necessary nutrition and lifestyle changes. The medicines are made up of natural herbs.
3. Nutritional Treatments:
Due to the improper eating habits, the nutritional treatment in naturopathy has gained good popularity. It involves the use of a proper and light diet that gives a boost to the immune system of the body. It mainly involves when a person is suffering from diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure etc.

4. Yoga and Meditation:
Yoga and meditation are the best methods for mental relief and freshness, along with the complete wellness of the body. It is a natural remedy for many health disorders.
 Benefits of Naturopathy:
There are a many benefits of naturopathy from without side effects &  safe and effective treatment.
1.     Health benefits: Naturopathy give optimal health benefits to the body. It not only focus on the diseases but also the complete body. It enhances the body functionality to its own healing abilities.
2.     Safe and effective treatment: naturopathy is safe treatment it have no side effects their doctor uses all natural medicine to cure patient.
3.     Cost-effective: The total cost of the naturopathy treatment is much lesser than the traditional treatment.
4.     disease Prevention: The naturopathic doctors identify the root cause of the disease and get rid of it to prevent it from occurring again in the future.
5.     Individual treatment: Naturopathy treatment involves the use of unique remedies for each patient since every patient has unique genes, heredity, diet etc.
All the nature care treatment are very good and basically heal the body without side effect and harmful drugs. If you are looking for best naturopathy treatment in India then there are many naturopathy centerin Pune which provide naturopathy treatment with all facility for patient. Tey have their campus and naturopathy hospital in pune.

Come experience the benefits of naturopathy and heal your body without side effect.